Application Version: PostgreSQL 8.4.13
Open Source Project: PostgreSQL
JumpBox Version: 1.7.5
OS Version: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
Updated: August 22, 2012
Download Size: 204 MB

PostgreSQL 8.4.13 instant installation to your Cloud with Jumpbox and Cloudcom ISP

For more than fifteen years PostgreSQL has been developing as an object-relational database with an open source and now is famous as up-to-date database of enterprise level.

PostgreSQL shows remarkable features including Multi-Version Concurrency Control, nested transactions, tablespaces, point in time recovery, online/hot backups, asynchronous replication, clever query planner/optimizer, write ahead log for graceful degradation, regular expressions and Unicode support and many other sophisticated functions.

In PostgreSQL ANSI-SQL 92/99 standards are observed, complete support for subqueries is provided and serializable transaction isolation levels are represented.

This JumpBox for PostgreSQL 8 is supplemented by PHPPgAdmin client for database managing. It’s a great solution absolutely ready for running and ensuring perfect storage for applications of various types.


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